The Internet was meant to unlock a new era of collaboration between buyers and sellers.
An era where buyers could interact directly with engaged suppliers to create highly personalized and valuable experiences.
An era where suppliers would have direct and unfettered access to buyers, rather than having to work through intermediaries who merely add brokerage fees but very little value.
An era where the intermediaries who did add value to these groups could actually thrive.
Sadly, this is not how commerce is conducted on the Internet today.
Buyers and sellers are not able to collaborate directly. There is no environment where buyers can leverage the full extent of their purchasing power to create uniquely personalized and highly valuable experiences.
There is no environment where sellers can openly interact with those buyers without intermediaries adding layers of complexity, fees and very little value.
And for those intermediaries that do add value, there is no way for them to participate without further adding to the cost of designing those experiences.
Quite simply, businesses who want to grow by creating meaningful customer experiences and deepening customer loyalty can now do so. Simply and efficiently